Welcome to the
Blum Research Group

Nanobiomaterials • Self-Assembly • Chemical Physics

McGill University

Research Areas

TMV Assemblies

Extended TMV Assemblies

Self-assembly on a Tobacco mosaic virus coat protein template

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Magnetic Nanoparticles

Magnetic Nanoparticles

Controlling the composition and surface chemistry of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles

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Tuning Plasmons

Plasmonic Tuning

Tuning the optical properties of plasmonic nanoparticles for more selective applications

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Latest Lab Updates

June 2023

The Blum group is granted two 2.5 day shifts on the Titan Krios 3Gi at Jagiellonian University through the SOLARIS Spring Call to perform detailed structural analysis on our TMV coat protein mutants.

Alex Al-Feghali presents a talk 'Bottom-up Fabrication and Individual Characterization of Highly Organized Gold Nanoparticles Assembled on Tobacco Mosaic Virus Coat Protein with Resonances in the Visible Regime' at the CSC annual meeting in Vancouver.

Guido Merino presents a talk 'The Formation of Protein Fibers from Tobacco Moasic Virus (TMV) Self-Assembling Capsids' at the CSC annual meeting in Vancouver.

Maddie Eisnor (Mauzeroll group) presents a talk 'Exploring in the dark: Analysis of Silver Nanoparticle infused Tobacco Mosaic Virus coat protein (TMVcp) with Dark Field Microscopy' on her work with the Blum group at the CSC annual meeting in Vancouver.

May 2023

Professor Blum presents an invited talk at the GRC on Self-Assembly and Supramolecular Chemistry in Les Diablerets, Switzerland.

Imane Trad joins the group as an NSERC USRA summer undergrad researcher - welcome!

Xingming Situ and Serene Bayram's paper 'Two-Step Synthesis of Large Gold−Silver Alloy Nanoparticles via the Combination of Seeded Growth and Citrate Co-reduction' was accepted by the Journal of Physical Chemistry C - congratulations!

Professor Blum receives a DAAD short term research fellowship to spend August at the University of Cologne.

April 2023

Shoronia Cross and Alex Al-Feghali's paper 'Interactions of Common Biological Buffers with Iron Oxide Nanoparticles' was accepted by Langmuir - congratulations!

Professor Blum receives an FWO visiting scholar fellowship to spend June at KU Leuven.